Tips For Mature Students
|#1: Take sufficient time to settle down as well as find your feet
You should never get into the feeling that you should brace yourself for running ahead of others and perfectly manage everything right from day one at the university. Don’t set harsh goals for you.
#2: It may seem as though you can manage pretty well in the first few weeks
It will suddenly dawn upon you that you have to submit a few assignments during these weeks. If you have been provided with the list of assignments and the dates on which you are required to submit them, then you can write them down in the diary that was given to you for free at the time of registration. This will help you to plan ahead and meet deadlines.
#3: It is important to be organized
You will be writing down notes as you attend seminars and lectures during the course of the semester. In addition, you will also be given several handouts. It is, therefore, very important to organize your notes and handouts in different files on the basis of themes and topics covered. This will be of great help to you when you sit down to revise your lessons towards the end of the semester.
#4: Put Your Strengths to Good Use
Find out as to at what time of the day you find it best to work. Also, determine as to what kind of environment motivates you to work and how long you can work without a break. If you can do this, it will be easy for you to plan your work. Mark off some time for yourself so that you are in a position to balance your life.
#5: Booklists help you in your studies
Booklists are provided not to confuse you. You need to identify the main texts and those that are classified as essential reading. You can always clarify with your tutor, if something is not clear to you.
#6: Exchange ideas
You can discuss your work, share notes and read other’s work. However, plagiarism is not acceptable. Further, it is essential that you have a clear understanding of what you are doing. When you work with others, it becomes clear as to what is expected from you.
#7: Know how to discard information
This is something that is difficult to do, but it is not possible for you to use all the notes that you take for a work. You must learn to keep to what is applicable. The rest of it will come in hand at the time of revision.
#8: Develop campus connections
Developing campus connections gives you a settled feeling and a sense of belonging. It pays to know people who are doing the same course as you, irrespective of their age. This will give you the feeling that you are socially connected. Moreover, you can chat with them about assignments and if required, set up study groups.
#9: Ask for a student mentor
A student mentor is a mature second or third year student at the University. The student mentor will not only answer your questions, but also give you guidance.
#10: Ask for help
If you are still not able to manage, take the help of tutors, Student Services, Counseling Service or Student Advice Centre.