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Student Life in Brisbane

Becoming a student is as thrilling as it is scary – you can’t wait for a chance to become independent, to be able to leave whenever you want and party for as long as you can without having to worry about waking your parents up when you return home. It’s going to be tough adjusting to demanding schedule, but student life is filled with excitement and fun. Finding a balance between having fun and working hard is more challenging than you might think at first, but I’ll gladly share some of my experiences and discoveries.

Be open-minded

Brisbane is the capital of Queensland and it’s incredibly popular among students from all over the world. Because Australian universities have experts in a number of different fields, students come from all over the world looking for a chance to learn from them. As a result, Brisbane is also known as “Brisvegas” and “Brisneyland”, a city where you can study but also relax. “Brissy” is home to many international students who enjoy lovely weather almost as much as the laid-back lifestyle and atmosphere. This means that you’ll get a chance to meet and befriend people from all over the world, and get a chance to learn about other nations, cultures, and customs as well. Some of my dearest and closest friends are from other continents and I have learned so much about the world just by talking to them.

Enjoy the weather

The city gets more than 280 sunny days a year on average, which makes it perfect for those who enjoy spending time outside, especially on the beach. This is perfect for those who are into outdoor hobbies, such as surfing and windsurfing, cycling, and trekking. This also means that any laundry you have you can set out to air-dry and not worry about clothes dryers at all. If your place doesn’t have one, you can always leave your laundry on the terrace and know that it’ll be nice and dry.

Food tricks

It’s important to know that most shops close at 5 pm, so keep this in mind when planning your grocery shopping. Going out and getting fast food can be a good choice when you’re too tired or too busy to cook, but if you make plans and buy groceries in bulk for a week in advance, you’ll be able to save money and get healthy food at the same time. Brisbane’s farmers’ markets are the best places to get fresh products, and besides, you won’t go bankrupt after a single purchase. Get your hands on some easy recipes, head out to buy ingredients you need, and fill your fridge with healthy, nutritious meals which will give you enough strength for both studying and partying.


Luckily for me (and for everyone coming over to study), Brisbane is one of the cheapest places to live in when you’re a student. Sadly, this still means that you’ll have to carefully plan ahead and mind your budget. With all the course fees, textbooks, transport, and study materials, it all comes down to a significant sum of money. Luckily, you can easily find affordable student accommodation in Brisbane which will still allow you to enjoy your privacy. At first, I lived in a multi-bedroom apartment I shared with my colleagues, but later I decided that I needed my privacy so I switched to a single bedroom apartment. It may be a bit more expensive, but it gives me more freedom and privacy, and I realized I desperately need those things as I get older.

I’m well aware that being a student isn’t easy. Sometimes it can be challenging to keep up with all the deadlines and papers while still trying to have fun and get to know life outside campus and library. As long as you keep your priorities straight, you’ll be fine, even if it means making small sacrifices along the way. Sometimes my social life suffers because of my deadlines, but from time to time, I allow my homework to pile up so that I can have a few days for myself and blow off some steam.