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Indian Students Come Together to Promote Paper Bags Over Plastic

We all know the paper bag revolution has been taking the world by storm, and we’ve seen a dramatic – not to mention long overdue – reduction in the use of single-use plastic shopping bags as a result. Just this month we’ve seen a fresh example of people sticking up for eco-friendly bags – this time, it happened in India.

College students in Mumbai were inspired to distribute paper bags in a helpful bid to support the Maharashtra government’s plastic ban. Students from the Department of Biochemistry took to the streets to give out paper bags and promote their use and benefits. The demonstration was organized to raise awareness about leading a ‘plastic free life’, and the motto chosen by students was: ‘If you cannot reuse it, refuse it’.

We couldn’t agree more, and it’s fantastic to see the lengths these kids were inspired to go to just to spread the word and get paper bags in more people’s hands. Since none were available, they created bags from old newspapers that were given to them by pedestrians and motorists. Not taking a chance of running out early, students used their vacation days to toil hard and produce more than 500 newspaper bags for their awareness drive. Banners and placards were also carried to spread awareness even further.

It’s another great example of people and governments coming together to promote more world-healthy living habits. The Maharashtra government’s ban on the manufacturing, sale, distribution, and storage of plastic and thermocol commodities – including disposable food serving materials and bags – was issued on March 23, 2018 and went into effect from June 22, 2018. It obviously hasn’t taken long for people to get involved.

UK based company Paper Bag Co know all about how using eco-friendly bagging materials helps the environment, and we’re proud to offer such Earth-first solutions to people and businesses all across the UK.