3 Tips For Finding Your First Real Job After College
|Although you might have had other jobs in your life, the first job you get after college that actually allows you to use your degree is a big deal. But for many grads or those who are soon-to-be, finding a good job that treats you right as soon as you’re out of school can be a real challenge. Luckily, there are a few tips and tricks you can use that will hopefully make this process much easier for you.
To show you how this can be done, here are three tips for finding your first real job after college.
Use Your Network
When you’re in school, you have access to people who are already industry professionals as well as those who are striving to become industry professionals just like you. And if you’re able to find a way to grow your network of people who know you, like you, and have positive experiences working with you, these people could prove to be influential in landing a great job after you graduate.
According to Mike Profita, a contributor to The Balance, one of the best ways to use this network of people to your advantage is to reach back out to those that you’ve developed relationships with over the years and ask them if they have any industry contacts that you could look into. Teachers, peers, coaches, mentors, and more could be a great resource for this type of information.
Get Help From Your School
Your school is another great resource for helping you to find a job right before or after you graduate.
Susan Adams, a contributor to Forbes.com, shares that most schools have career services staff that can help to link you up with people in the community or former students of the university to help you get a job. In addition to this, the people who work in this type of office can also help you if you’re struggling with things like a resume, cover letter, application processes, and more.
Rework Your Resume For Each Application
Applying for jobs can be a daunting challenge. Especially if you’re open to work anywhere and for any company just so long as you’re able to use your degree, you might find yourself sending out hundreds or even thousands of applications and resumes. To better your chances of being offered employment when sending your resume, perhaps have a look at ARC Resumes or other companies that professionally write resumes for those that may not be able to do as good of a job on their own.
To help improve your chances of some of these applications and resumes sparking interest in you, Alyse Kalish, a contributor to The Muse, advises that you rework your resume in order to tailor it to each application you’re submitting. While this might seem tedious, it could be the difference between you getting an interview and having your resume simply deleted.
If you’re needing a little guidance with finding your first job out of college, consider using the tips mentioned above to help you with this.